In the legal world, an agreement is a crucial aspect of any deal. It is the foundation upon which any business or personal transaction is built. However, the question is, how is an agreement manifested? Well, the answer is simple: an agreement is manifested by an offer followed by an acceptance.

What is an Offer?

An offer is a proposal made by one party to another indicating a willingness to enter into a binding agreement. It must be made with the intention of creating legal relations and must be sufficiently definite and certain. An offer may be made orally, in writing, or even by conduct.

In the legal context, an offer must include all the essential terms of the agreement, such as the subject matter, price, delivery date, and payment terms. Additionally, an offer must be communicated to the offeree, the person to whom the offer is made. If the offer is not communicated, it cannot be accepted.

What is an Acceptance?

Acceptance is the unqualified expression of a willingness to be bound by the terms of the offer. It must be made in response to the offer and must be communicated to the offeror, the person who made the offer. Acceptance may be made orally, in writing, or even by conduct.

In the legal context, acceptance must be made within a reasonable time and in the manner specified in the offer. If no manner of acceptance is specified, acceptance may be made by any reasonable means. A counteroffer, which is a rejection of the original offer and a proposal of new terms, is not an acceptance.

The Importance of Manifesting an Agreement

Manifesting an agreement by an offer followed by an acceptance is crucial in any legal transaction. It establishes the terms of the agreement and the obligations of the parties involved. Additionally, it provides a clear record of the agreement and can be used as evidence in court if necessary.

Furthermore, manifesting an agreement helps to avoid misunderstandings and disputes between the parties. By clearly defining the terms of the agreement, both parties can ensure that they understand their rights and obligations.

In conclusion, manifesting an agreement by an offer followed by an acceptance is essential to any legal transaction. It establishes the terms of the agreement, provides a record of the agreement, and helps to avoid misunderstandings and disputes between the parties. As such, it is critical to ensure that offers and acceptance are communicated clearly and unambiguously.