The Green Hilton Memorial Agreement is a historic treaty signed between the United States and Switzerland in 1963. Named after the hotel in which it was signed, the agreement marked an important moment in the development of international law and diplomacy.

The agreement centered on the issue of war crimes committed during World War II. Specifically, it sought to resolve the question of whether or not Swiss banks had knowingly accepted assets stolen from victims of the Holocaust. The treaty established a claims commission that would provide restitution to victims of the war and their families.

Despite its importance, the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement is often overlooked in historical accounts. This is partially due to the fact that it was not widely publicized at the time of its signing, and also because it was overshadowed by other events like the Cuban Missile Crisis and the assassination of President Kennedy.

However, the agreement remains an important part of the history of international law and diplomacy. It set an important precedent for the restitution of stolen assets and helped to further establish the principle of accountability for war crimes.

If you`re interested in learning more about the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, Wikipedia is a great resource. The page on the treaty provides a detailed overview of its history and significance, as well as links to related topics like international law and the Holocaust. And with its strong SEO presence, you can be sure that you`ll find the information you`re looking for quickly and easily.